Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chorus Dress Code

    Over the years I've found myself beig a decent rule follower... except when I comes to Chorus. It is an optional class, so technecaly I wasn't cutting class. It just so happens that that one day I.... took a holiday, I missed what we were supposed to wear to the concert the following night. So I show up that night all ready for the preformance wearing the cloths I wore to school that day: a big sweatshirt and a pair of brown , courdoroy, cheeta print leggings. I get in the order of people and find out that Mr. Armpit Pants is right in front of me. He snaps his repulsive head in my direction. "Yooooooooou were supoooosed the wear a dresssss." He sneers in his feminine high voice. This was it this was the moment that Mr. Armpit Pants got his name. "Cheeeeeeta print-a, reeeeeeally?" He remarks obviously adressing my pants. honestly I couldn't care less what I was wearing... until he said that. I stared at him waiting for some obnoxious response to snap back to him. Then it came to me. Mr. Armpit Pants was wearing a button up shirt buttoned up to his nose and his pants wedged so high up his body that his under arms must itch.
    "Look who's talking Mr. Armpit Pants"
And the adventure begins

     The rest of the concert he spends trying to find a good comeback, but none were as good as mine. This will forever be his nickname.

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